Clint Schramek is an award-winning artist who started painting with the intention of just making some art to add color and life to his home. An artistic spark was kindled and set fire to a new passion. He is mostly self-taught, and is constantly learning and exploring new ideas. Clint’s focus tends to gravitate around geometric abstract and non-representational work. He enjoys creating various other abstract work as well as landscapes. He absolutely loves cubism, and is inspired by the cubist works of Georges Braque, Paul Cézanne, Marcel Duchamp, and of course Pablo Picasso. Clint was born in San Antonio, TX, but has spent most of his adult life living in Houston. By day he is a web application developer, which lends to his fascination with shapes and geometrical patterns. He has a tiny smidge of artistic background from high school by a caring art teacher. He is a member of the Pearland Arts League, National Society of Artists, and Galveston Art League.